
Nobody Does It Like …

Okey dokey it sure has been a while since I got back to our 5 steps, hasn’t it? Life happens.

Story element #4 is your unique story. Now, you may think you don’t have one but you do. This is where we take the details from who you are and how you started your business or came up with a product or service and color in the foundation we built in element #1.

Let’s do a little visualization for a minute. Close your eyes and think back to when you came up with your last idea. This doesn’t have to be your greatest idea or even your second greatest.

Just the last one that dropped into your brain for your business, product or service.

It’s these ideas that are the lifeblood of small to mid-sized businesses whether you’re in the IT space or not.

Now, think back to what was going on at the time you had this brainstorm. Were you in a restaurant talking with friends? Reading the paper at home? In a conference on a totally different thing when, WHAM! The idea drops into your brain and hasn’t let you go.

THAT’S what we want to talk about.

No one can tell your story like you can. Oh, they may have some basic similarities because of time of day or the state of the world but no one has walked in your shoes but you.

Nobody can describe the feelings you had at that precise moment and no one else can explain the details surrounding your story but you.

That’s why it’s your unique story.

The last element in our 5-element story discussion is knitting it all together.

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